In commemoration of International Day of Charity, Office Hub decided to grab the plunge and organise a donation drive for the Salvation Army. Throughout this week the whole office has come together in collecting goods which was brought to nearby Salvos Store for donation.

If you’ve been contemplating getting involved in the community and helping people less fortunate, consider this as your sign to get started! Today marks the International Day of Charity and has been observed on the 5th of September since 2012. Established by the United Nations, this day was inaugurated to increase solidarity, social responsibility and enhance visibility and public support for the work charities perform worldwide. A powerful advocacy tool, UN encourage anyone to organise activities to the theme of the day and help in any way possible.

Office Hub decided this was a great opportunity to increase awareness and make a difference in society. Throughout the week we have been collecting goods for the Salvation Army and today we brought it to nearby Salvos Store. Based within a collaborative shared office, Office Hub has come together with all tenants in the space for the donation drive.

 With posters distributed around the office and verbally informing everyone about the initiative, we managed to collect multiple full boxes of clothing, accessories and other goods. A satisfying feat making us feel thrilled to be doing something good on this day.

Beyond the impact we make on the community when donating or engaging in volunteer work, there are many well-documented benefits to your own well-being. It can enrich your life knowing you are making a real difference, extend the opportunity to connect with people and make you feel happier and healthier. Whatever your own personal reason is for volunteering or the benefits you are seeking, you can rest assured – you give but you also gain.

You may have missed your opportunity to give or volunteer on International Day of Charity, but there are hundreds of ways to get involved the remaining 364 days of the year! Salvation Army offers plenty of opportunities to lend a hand and help them help people in need. Birds of Passage is another not-for-profit organisation based in Sydney and aiming to help the homeless community by providing food, clothes and well-being services. Office Hub recently volunteered with Birds of Passage at a weekly food run  – read about our experience here.  

If you’re not entirely sure which cause to get involved with, head to Go Volunteer and search for an opportunity that best suits you, express your interest and get involved with something dear to your heart. It is that simple and we promise – you will feel better for it!

Let us do the hard work in finding your dream workspace.