Celebrate International Coworking Day in these 5 Simple Ways

Steve Stenson | 14 December, 2023 | Est. reading time: 5 minutes
international coworking day
The #InternationalCoworkingDay is a special day celebrated every year, on the 9th of August, to honour the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and community within coworking spaces worldwide. The day is typically marked off the calendar with a small team party workers can use to celebrate. However, that may not always be enough!

Of course, several other budget-friendly ways exist to celebrate this unique day and achieve many more business goals. To assist you, we've curated a list of simple and enjoyable tips for commemorating Coworking Day!

International Coworking Day: History

International Coworking Day is celebrated every 9th of August to commemorate the coworking movement worldwide. But, do you know your international coworking day history? Let’s look at the timeline below to learn the events that led to this special day.

Coworking was first introduced in 1995 when some computer engineers developed a digital, collaborative workspace called “hackerspace”. However, it was only in 1999 that “coworking” as a term was first used to describe collaborative work conditions. On the 9th of August 2005, Brad Neuberg introduced the first-ever coworking space.  Five years after Neuberg’s inaugural coworking space, International Coworking Day was declared to be celebrated on the same day.

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5 Simple Ways to Celebrate International Coworking Day

Here are some simple ways to celebrate International Coworking Day with your team:

Use the Power of #SocialMedia

Embrace the power of social media to celebrate International Coworking Day! Leverage platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share your team's experiences and advantages of coworking for businesses. You may also consider posting team photos, sharing success stories, or discussing what is a co-working day to engage your audience. 

Remember to maintain professionalism while celebrating online. It is important to respect confidentiality and ensure your posts align with your brand values. Let's make this special day memorable while being responsible digital citizens.

Let’s Collaborate!

Let’s amplify collaboration on International Coworking Day! Embrace the essence of coworking by engaging in team-building activities that foster collaboration among members. Utilise coworking event spaces or communal areas to host brainstorming sessions, collaborative workshops, or knowledge-sharing forums.

Enhancing collaboration among your team fosters camaraderie and mutual support. Research shows the positive impact of collaboration on customer satisfaction ratings, product quality, development, and sales. The graph below illustrates the percentage increase in these aspects due to collaboration.

In the graph above, collaboration shows a positive influence on increasing customer satisfaction ratings (by 41%), product quality (by 34%), product development (by 30%), and sales (by 27%). This highlights the importance of promoting team collaboration within your organisation.

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Offer a Free Day of Coworking or Renewal Discounts

Consider offering a free day of coworking this International Coworking Day! This is a great opportunity for people to experience your workspace firsthand. Let them have a glimpse of the benefits of coworking, such as access to top-notch amenities and a collaborative atmosphere. This draws attention and potentially leads to increased sales and brand recognition. 

Moreover, consider renewal discounts for existing members. These discounts reward loyalty and foster member retention, creating a sense of value and appreciation. Embrace the spirit of Coworking Day by providing valuable offers that benefit potential and existing members!

Keep reading to discover fun, simple ways to celebrate International Coworking Day!

Free Workshop or Giveaway

Offering a free workshop or giveaway during International Coworking Day is a fantastic way to engage members and showcase the value of your workspace. Free workshops provide an avenue for skill development, fostering a supportive environment for coworking members to learn and grow. They also enhance the workspace's appeal, attracting potential members seeking educational opportunities. 

Moreover, giveaways create excitement and a sense of appreciation among members, solidifying their loyalty. For the workspace owner, these initiatives boost brand visibility, attract new members, and reinforce the workspace's commitment to member satisfaction.

A “Thank You!” Goes a Long Way

Expressing gratitude through a simple 'Thank You' gesture fosters a strong community spirit on International Coworking Day. Let's appreciate everyone contributing to your coworking journey – teammates, members, investors, and visitors. 

Consider organising a community happy hour or offering treats as tokens of appreciation. These gestures strengthen bonds within the workspace and demonstrate your commitment to building a supportive and thriving coworking community. A heartfelt 'Thank You' acknowledges the collective effort and celebrates the collaborative spirit that defines your coworking space.

Explore the World of Coworking Now!

International Coworking Day only comes around once a year, so it is always best to make the most of it. The tips above can help you celebrate it in a way that will not break the bank.

If you're still caught up in the daily grind of the traditional office setup, here's your sign to delve into the immense benefits of coworking for your business! Coworking spaces offer unparalleled flexibility, cost-effectiveness, boosted productivity, improved collaboration, abundant networking prospects, and a dynamic, supportive working environment.

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