Etiquette 101: How do I Manage Shared Office Space

Yarden Silva | 3 February, 2024 | Est. reading time: 5 minutes
Managing shared office space demands clear communication and respect for shared rules
Noise, mess, and conflicts within a shared environment make it challenging for both workspace owners and tenants to maintain peace and order. This raises the question, “How do I manage shared office space?”

A typical answer to that question is the following list of house rules, such as leaving a desk free of clutter and maintaining noise levels. If you want to learn more about how to manage shared office space, this blog is the perfect place for you. Dive in now and discover management tips for your shared workspace!

Most Common Challenges in a Shared Office Space

Before delving into desk-sharing etiquette, let's first uncover the key challenges members typically encounter in this setup. Here are some of them;


Loud conversations, sudden phone calls, or even the noise of a printer can distract your coworkers. An effective solution to mitigate this concern is to allocate quiet zones or soundproof areas. These designated spots can serve as go-to places for members needing to make phone calls or engage in discussions with other tenants.

Insufficient Resources

One of the key benefits of a shared office space is the access to high-quality amenities. However, a significant challenge arises in the availability of these shared resources. To address this problem, consider investing in more amenities without compromising space. You can also choose to implement a booking system for more equitable access to these resources.

Client Satisfaction

Tenants often step away from the agreement due to subpar management and inadequate resources. As a workspace provider, innovative solutions are key to retaining clients. 

Consider offering additional perks like complimentary business events or wellness areas. Enhancing the overall experience encourages tenants to relish their time in your workspace, potentially elevating their satisfaction and loyalty.

Visit our website to learn more about shared office spaces and discover listings that match your requirements. 

Easy Management Tips for Workspace Providers

Owning a shared workspace requires you to take up big responsibilities. Here are some tips on how to manage shared office space;

  1. Be familiar with the office layout so it will be easy for you to analyse data occupancy. You may consider using office planning tools here to streamline the assessment process. 
  2. Implement desk booking systems to simplify the rental process. This tool also helps easily utilise desk space, promoting a more optimised desk allocation.
  3. Maintain cleanliness within the workspace to ensure a satisfactory experience for the members. You can also encourage the members to keep their workstations organised and clutter-free.
  4. Add surveillance cameras to simplify the monitoring of your members’ security. Beef up your safety protocols as well to further safeguard your members.
  5. Ensure that all facilities and equipment are well-cleaned and in good state. Repairs should be immediate when needed.
  6. Give your members ample time to prepare for upcoming maintenance. Help them understand how this maintenance elevates their workspace experience. 

6 Shared Office Space Etiquette for Tenants

How do I manage shared office space? The answer is simple: follow the basic etiquette. Here are some tips you could share with your workers in a shared office space;

Respect Personal Space

Setting boundaries and respecting coworkers’ personal spaces is essential to fostering a harmonious work environment. These practices also prevent potential tensions or conflicts that might cause workflow disruptions and displacement of equilibrium within the workspace.

Moreover, it is important to encourage open communication to understand your colleagues' likes and dislikes. Establishing clear guidelines is also necessary to ensure a considerate and collaborative atmosphere.

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Noise Control

Noise remains an enduring challenge for shared office space providers. A global study unveiled that noise significantly impacts the focus, creativity, and productivity of approximately 69% of 2,000 employees.

Apart from dedicating quiet zones, utilising noise-cancelling headphones can also effectively reduce noise. This tool enables individuals to meet deadlines without stress from distractions. Conversely, for those who prefer sounds and acoustics, listening to their favourite tunes is possible without disturbing others.

Leave Nothing But a Clean Desk Behind

A messy workspace leaves a negative impression on coworkers. They might view you as unhygienic and disorganised, even in the comfort of your home. Even worse, it might lead to colleagues avoiding conversations or social interactions with you.

Therefore, it is important to cultivate the practice of maintaining organisation and cleanliness in your workspace before departing. This creates a positive impression and professional ambience and nurtures respect for shared areas.

Keep reading to discover more tips for the question, “How do I manage shared office space?”

Create a Social Bubble

Engaging in conversations with coworkers, be it from the same company or others, leaves a positive impression and fosters a sense of camaraderie. Being approachable and friendly makes you appear reliable and easy to get along with. 

Over time, these interactions may lead to unlocking potential collaborations and various opportunities. Building professional relationships through casual conversations boosts workplace vibrancy, fostering collaboration and the pursuit of shared goals.

Avoid Monopolising Shared Resources

Conflicts may arise when certain coworkers monopolise shared resources. This behaviour can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction, which affects their workflows and retention.

Prevent this issue by fostering open communication about the usage of shared resources. In addition to implementing a booking system, seek input from members on their thoughts and suggestions for accessing these resources fairly. Ensuring equitable access to shared resources is crucial for maintaining a harmonious atmosphere within the workspace.

Stay at Home if you are Feeling Sick

Your well-being takes precedence over your job. If you're unwell, avoid going to the office. Prioritise your health by taking the required medications or supplements, consuming nutritious foods, and getting plenty of rest to expedite your recovery to ensure you return to work soon.

Prioritising the well-being of both yourself and your colleagues reflects responsible decision-making. Your proactive choice to stay home when feeling unwell significantly fosters a healthy workspace for everyone.

Remembering these tips can help you avoid potential challenges in a shared office space. Hopefully, you've found insightful answers to your question, "How do I manage a shared office space?"

If you have any more questions, feel free to message us, and one of our representatives will assist you with your concerns.

Wrapping Up

"How do I manage shared office space?" This question has a straightforward answer: etiquette. Adhering to these guidelines and ensuring your workers do the same, maintains peace and order within the workspace.

Remember that working in a shared environment requires shared responsibility. So, choose to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Here’s the exciting part! Office Hub has curated a list of high-end shared office spaces within the most vibrant cities in Australia. Explore them below;

Interested? Get in touch with our flexperts today to easily secure your dream workspace!

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